First Friday Children’s Book Event
Basically Books in Downtown Hilo is hosting a Childrenʻs Book Event for Augustʻs First Friday Art Walk in Hilo!
The event starts at 6:00PM on August 5th at Basically Books and will feature three authors talking about their process, message and stories!
Little One by Patricia Leo
The mouse Little One explores the ways that his world is different from that of the people around him through his interactions with the animals on the family farm. A tale of acceptance and finding peace through understanding and meditation.
The Moon Princess of Emne by River Lotus
River Lotus tells a gentle story of celebrated womanhood and the rites of passage for a young girl, this book follows Rori as she celebrates the beginning of her moon cycle with the woman of the famous Celtic Isle of Emne.
Mr. Kiko Searches for Aloha by Marion Louise
This charming children’s tale by Marion Louise carries a message about inclusivity and acceptance while highlighting the values of individual differences. Told through the tale of a coqui frog’s arrival in Hawaii, it deals with cultural differences, rejections, and a newcomer seeking acceptance.